It seems these days I blink and 2 months pass by in a flash. I guess I was so busy up until Christmas , that I decided to be a little stingy and take some extra time off to enjoy my family and my home..shame on me !
All this time off has given me a new outlook on the past 13 years of Erinn Laine Candles, and I've decided to do things a little different from now on.
I want to get back to the basics and stick to those tried and true items that my customers have come to love over the years. No more jumping through flaming hoops to keep up with the Joneses..I really have no desire to accrue all of the debt that they probably have.
My new motto for 2011 is "simply made simple goods" sounds simple enough for me !
I want to continue making you all the very best handmade candles possible, because quite frankly without you, my customers, we would've been gone a long time ago...
Thanks so much for another year !