No matter how good my intentions are, it still seems like I can never take the time to sit quietly and blog.
Case in point,I last blogged in June...7 months ago people !!!
Sure, I'm a busy mom with 2 busy teenage girls and a hubby who likes some attention from time to time.
Not too mention running a home-based business that keeps me hoppin'.
Did I mention pets to care for, housework and the never ending amount of laundry breeding in my basement ?
I have this fantasy that I am sitting on my sofa in the evening, all cuddled up with a quilt, sipping (not gulping)my coffee and blogging away on my laptop.
Pouring out all of my hopes and dreams,sharing recipes and my plans for the new shop.
Sadly, I do not own a laptop nor do I ever seem to get that much coveted "time to myself", and sitting on the sofa... HA!
Not without kids and a cat or two.
I will just have to live that dream vicariously through The Pioneer Woman..she is truly my sister from another mister !
As of right now, I'm getting a little antsy to get started on the design work of our storefront.
So many ideas running through my brain that my head sorta hurts. Finally, I can come out of my corner and bring all of my artistic ideas to life.
For years I have wanted to step out of the grungy cinnamon- coated world of primitives and show everyone that there are so many other things that this girl can do .
Our little shop will be a family collaboration,part creative studio for all of the many things that my girls and I will be making, as well as an outlet for my mother-in-law to finally show off her eclectic style with her offering of antiques & uniques !
Of course it will be the new manufacturing home for my candles, which that alone brings on so many new and exciting changes for me.
Our proposed move is supposed to be sometime in March.
With that in mind, I've been taking many trips down memory lane as each day passes...more on that in my next blog,soon, I pinky swear.
I was so excited to see your comment. Change is in the air! Good ole memories from the riverfront days. Blessings on a great New Year. T