I have never been a fan of New Years resolutions,but this year I've made a decision to not repeat the sins of the past...that "sin" being food. I'm not gonna lie,I LOVE FOOD ! I love it A LOT ! But I'm not a kid anymore and I don't race outside to play until the street lights came on,then plead with my mother for 1 more hour. I believe that's how I stayed so skinny for most of my life.
But we have to go back to the beginning of my demise...My Dad.
My Dad was a man's man, he was a radar operator and a Mess Hall Sgt. in the Army during WWII.He married my mom after the war and became the Mess Hall Sgt. of our home. He loved to cook and no one was allowed in the kitchen when he was in there,because that was his Man-Cave. When he made meals, they were hearty and he cooked plenty of it ! Even with 4 kids, there was plenty to eat, even for our friends who always seemed to be at our house,everyday . He would always encourage us to "have seconds, thirds and fourths". Well alrighty, you don't have to twist my arm ! My brother & I would even compete to see who could eat the most.
Then there was Baking Day...oh my goodness !
I don't have to ask,but I will...Do you have any idea how Heavenly it is to smell fresh baked breads and cinnamon rolls all day long ?! Let me tell you,I had no problem stuffing those goodies in my face nom,nom,nom ! Life was GOOD in the Hilton House !
Now here I am,many years later...I am truly my Father's daughter,I am the Mess Hall Sgt. of my home and yes,just like dad, I have issues with anyone in my kitchen, but I am getting better about letting my daughters' enter my domain and learn the trade.
Just like my dad, I cook from scratch,which I hear is rare these days. I don't know why or how anyone would want to pop some frozen over-processed crud in the oven and eat it, when they could easily prepare something
wonderful for their family in under 30 minutes ?!
Sorry, I'm not trying to judge anyone, I just don't know why people fall into that trap,it's just unhealthy .
Ok, now to step down from my soapbox and finish my story...
My weight has never been an issue, I ate whatever I wanted and lots of it ! When my hubby & I were dating, I used to eat 2 double Whoppers, large fries and wash it all down with a large Coke ! He was astounded by this and would try to keep up,he failed...sorry Hon, I'm a Pro .
I made it through my 1st pregnancy unscathed by the extra pounds, my 2nd pregnancy,not so much.
During baby #1, I was a junk food junkie ! Burgers, fries and black bean soup...loved it ! Baby #2 I decided to take the healthier approach, salads,fruit,decaf coffee...GASP !
I had also quit smoking a few months prior to this pregnancy,so all those cigs were replaced with, you guessed it, FOOD !
This girl went from a trim 160 to a whopping 215 by the end of my 9 month stint. I felt like crap !!
I managed to get down to 193 after delivery,but I was stuck there for a really long time.
That was almost 14 years ago and it's been a roller coaster ever since.Losing weight, gaining it back, exercising to the point of injury,starving myself and even picking up smoking again ...miserable.
Once I kicked the habit ,again,I decided to get my act together.After losing both parents to a combo of smoking related illnesses and poor health choices,it really made me think about what I've been doing to myself, and my family.
I had to ask myself "do I really enjoy smoking & over eating that much ? " and "do I really want to die because of it ?"
Now if THAT doesn't snap you out of it, I don't know what will !
I don't want to leave my family before my time because of poor choices and I certainly don't want to continue hiding in XL clothing, most of which is Men's clothing...that is a whole other blog that I will address in the future.
Ever since I got the keys to my shop last May, I have poured a lot of sweat into getting it up and running to make my vision come to life. In the meantime,it seems that all of that hard work has paid off, because not only am I not sitting around my house stuffing my face, I have managed to lose some of that baby fat that hung on for an extended stay.
But I cannot depend on my work to get me back in shape, I also have to change my eating habits.
Sorry Dad, but there will be no more 2nds,3rds or 4ths for this girl !
Blessings to all of you for a healthier & Happier 2014
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